محافظة المنطقة الشرقية

قرار زيادة الرسوم إلى 2400 ريال له آثار سلبية على القطاع الخاصالزامل: غرفة الرياض مستمرة في طرح النقاشات لإيجاد حل

صورة الخبر

The chairman of the South Korean bid committee Han Sung-Joo (R) arrives with his delegation at FIFA headquarters on December 1, 2010 in Zurich to attend the South Koreas 2022 World Cup bid final presentation before the world footballs ruling body executive committee. Australia, the United States, Qatar, Japan and South Korea are bidding for the 2022 football tournament. FIFA will vote on the host country on December 2, 2010. AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE DESMAZES