محافظة المنطقة الشرقية

الصياد يحسم الشائعات ويوقع للنور

صورة الخبر

Cairo, 24 August 2016 – The World Health Organization observes with dismay the frequent attacks on health care facilities in Syria. Nearly every day, hospitals, clinics and ambulances are being targeted.  Between 9 and 19 August 2106, attacks were reported on 11 hospitals, 5 ambulances and one primary health care centre in Hama, Aleppo, Idleb and Homs governorates. Most of these health facilities became nonfunctional afterwards, depriving hundreds of thousands of people of their right to health care.  Attacks on health care in Syria have been increasing on a yearly basis. WHO deplores these attacks and demands that all parties to the conflict cease them immediately.  The attacks represent an unconscionable violation of international law, denying mothers, fathers, daughters and sons of their right to urgently needed health care.  We also appeal to those governments and interlocutors that have influence over the warring parties to use their leverage to bring an end to these atrocities.  Related link  United Nations Security Council Resolution 2286 (2016)   For additional information:  Rana Sidani Senior Communication Officer Mobile: +20 1099756506 email: